Using many of the same principles in the cleaning and televising phase, Lateral Televising has started to spread across the industry in recent years. With many of the sanitary sewer mains being repaired, water is finding the next weakest link in the line section, at the lateral connections and their joints.
LETS stands for Lateral Evaluation Televising System. The process is designed to perform a lateral inspection from the mainline pipe. It has the ability to televise approximately 120 feet in a 4 or 6-inch diameter lateral. The camera is limited in some respects because it is not on wheels. Instead, the television camera acts closer to a push camera in style by gliding across the bottom of the lateral.
From the inspection, the PACP operator will attempt to determine if there are any: cracks, breaks or infiltration issues in the pipe. Notes will be added to the inspection reports and relayed to the engineer.
One of the problems Towns face with Lateral Televising is the costs related to using the LETS camera equipment. When a home has a cleanout the cost is for televising with a push camera is roughly 1/2 of that of a LETS televised lateral. The costs associated are mainly due to equipment costs. At Standard Pipe, our goal is to provide the best solution for the repairs first and help remove any issues we can for the owner.