Brunswick, Maryland, offers the best of both worlds in maintaining a suburban feel while staying close to city life, with a commuter rail station serving as the vein to Washington, DC. The active 7.500 residents enjoy the Potomac River and Brunswick Crossing, brimming with amenities. The City of Brunswick initiated a $2.1 million inflow and infiltration correction project with Standard Pipe Services.
Project: Inflow & Infiltration (I & I)
Infiltration is the force that drives the pipeline rehabilitation industry. When the sanitary system is at max capacity, the potential of overflow threatens the environment and public health. Overflows contaminate water sources. The EPA enforces the Clean Water Act by heavily fining entities that violate repair and maintenance requirements to prevent pollution. Lining pipes, laterals, and manholes reduce risk by contributing to a water-tight system, and increasing pipe health and longevity by up to 50 years.
The City of Brunswick found inflow and infiltration problems in main lines and residential laterals to homes. Their analysis revealed rising wastewater treatment costs during storms due to increased flows after storms. As a result, Brunswick contracted with Standard Pipe Services (SPS) to take corrective measures.
Our Approach
Standard Pipe Services created and executed a comprehensive plan by utilizing several rehabilitation strategies in tandem. The first step was cleaning the sanitary sewers, followed by televising the lines to diagnose and identify existing problems and prevent future incidents. Next, SPS grouted and repaired over 38,000 feet of pipe throughout Brunswick. Chemical grouting is a low-cost solution to prevent infiltration. Standard Pipe Services and Brunswick took preventative measures resulting in significant savings for residents and extending the life of infrastructure assets.