Municipalities and Townships across the United States are performing regular maintenance on their Sanitary and Storm Water Systems. Many of which creating yearly schedules to keep track of the condition and repair them when something goes wrong. To best maintain the sewer, we perform a cleaning and televising of the sewer.
Cleaning the sewer systems requires the use of a high power water through different nozzles designed to pull the debris and materials off of the walls down the line section using gravity for assistance. Cleaning pipes may vary in size anywhere from 2″ to 96″ diameter. Larger diameter pipes may be cleaned by the use of a small excavator coupled with hand digging work. High pressure water blasting and specialized tools, are used in situations where hardened deposits form on the interior of pipe walls, lateral protrusions or any object that may need to be cut including exposed rebar.
Once the line section has been cleaned and all debris removed we will have a clear picture of the pipe’s integrity, leaks, and infiltration. Televising is performed to current NASSCO standards under current PACP format requirements. Many of SPS’s TV Cameras and Crawlers operate under Cobra Technologies equipment. As a company we have made it our mission to ensure that we can perform the television documentation to your specific requirements.
Additional Cleaning:
- Wetwells
- Forecemain
- Catch Basins & Manholes
- Large and Various Chambers